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Monday 1 July 2024

Sasha Festival 2024 Day 3 - Dress a Sasha entries and Saturday morning talks

On the Saturday morning at the 2024 Sasha Festival we were able to take photos of all 15 Dress a Sasha entries, and vote on them.

Dress a Sasha English Garden Assembled by Teenager entry

Fairy at the bottom of the garden

Dress a Sasha Teenager entry

Dress a Sasha English Garden Assembled by Adult entries (pale green voting slips)

English Garden Assembled by Adult - 1 (Rebecca)

English Garden Assembled by Adult - 2

Dress a Sasha English Garden Crafted by Adult entries (pale blue voting slips)

English Garden Crafted by Adult - entries 1 (DollMum's daughter) and 2 (Anna DollMum)

English Garden Crafted by Adult - 3 (Jane W)

English Garden Crafted by Adult - 3 (Jane W)

English Garden Crafted by Adult - 4 (Gerry)

English Garden Crafted by Adult - 4 (Gerry)

English Garden Crafted by Adult - 5 (Erin)

English Garden Crafted by Adult - 5 (Erin)

English Garden Crafted by Adult - 6 (Julie)

English Garden Crafted by Adult - 6 (Julie)

English Garden Crafted by Adult - 7

English Garden Crafted by Adult - 8

Dress a Sasha Afternoon Tea Assembled by Adult entry (pale yellow voting slips)

Afternoon Tea Assembled by Adult - 1

Afternoon Tea Assembled by Adult - 1

Dress a Sasha Afternoon Tea Crafted by Adult entries (pale pink voting slips)

Afternoon Tea crafted by Adult - 1

Afternoon Tea crafted by Adult - 1

Afternoon Tea crafted by Adult - 2 (Elizabeth)

Afternoon Tea crafted by Adult - 2 (Elizabeth)

Afternoon Tea crafted by Adult - 3 (Jane W)

Afternoon Tea crafted by Adult - 3 (Jane W)

Voting was done by each person being given little coloured slips of paper in their souvenir bags and writing the number of the entry on the relevant coloured slip and putting the slip in one of the 5 voting boxes (there was one for each category). Apparently, it was quite complicated counting the votes and working out who had won, second and third in each category, because of the colour and category confusions mentioned above, though there were 5 clear winners for each category. Voting took place on the Saturday morning and winners were announced at the buffet lunch on the Saturday. The winners with their rosettes will be shown in another blog post.

The Saturday morning was shown on the programme as 'activities' and what this turned out to be was a series of displays which were set up that morning at breakfast time with talks by Frank Triggs and Anna Doggart until lunchtime.

Frank gave an interesting long talk about the sculptural processes involved in creating Sasha dolls, he showed us moulds, explained the lost wax technique, the methods used to create the elongated white faced Pierrot doll hands and feet and even picked up and expertly cradled the very rare baby Amelie which belongs to Diane D.

Dawn welcomes Frank and Anna

Frank holding Sasha head moulds

Frank explaining the lost wax technique with the casting moulds for another object

Frank cradles baby Amelie

Frank and the hand and foot casts for Pierrot dolls

Anna talked about the influence Sasha had on her life when she was a teenager and the close bond which formed between Sasha and the Doggart family.

Anna with a photo of herself and Sasha M

Anna talking about Sara D and Brenda Walton

Brenda and Sara with some Sasha dolls

One of the wonderful promotional scenes with props created by Sara

Anna talking about promoting Sasha

The influences on Sasha, including Paul Klee

Sasha M the very young child

Painting by Ernst M of Sasha making toys surrounded by her children

Sasha making large models

One of the Pro Juventute babies made by Sasha M when she was a midwife

Anna talking about Sasha's influence of humanity on the dolls

Anna with the photo of Sasha holding a Trendon party girl doll

Anna talking of Sasha's studio dolls

There was a display by Frank and Anna accompanying their talks.

Some of the books about Sasha dolls

Winterthur book

Baby Amelie with the Pierrot boy

Baby Amelie

Course and Studio dolls and Sasha moulds on display

Pierrot moulds with Studio dolls

A Studio baby and the Pierrot doll reclining

Sasha Pierrot doll close up

Harry's much played with Sasha doll called 'Dirt' (Anna and Frank's son's doll)

Sasha Studio doll belonging to Anna

Pale coat Sasha Studio doll belonging to Anna

Sasha Studio baby belonging to Anna

Sasha Studio baby without eye paint

During the morning my daughter re-plaited the fishtail plait in Jocelyn's doll's hair, the same doll whose hair she had plaited at a SCW in 2018, Jocelyn was very pleased and said now Ella could wear her festival souvenir dress.

DollMum's daughter working on Ella's fishtail plait

Carefully adjusting the fishtail plait

Jocelyn pleased with the fishtail plait for Ella

The next post will be about the special displays on the Saturday morning.


Anonymous said...

Hooray, a photo of me looking happy at last! Thanks, Anna - Jocelyn

Jocelyn said...

Hooray, a photo of me looking happy at last! Thanks, Anna (and Dmd)