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Sunday 6 December 2020

Advent Calendar Day 6

The pocket for Day 6 of my elder daughter's Advent Calendar contained snowflakes! The picture was a snowman with snowflakes so my younger daughter took inspiration from them and made a variety of crochet snowflakes with white sparkly wool or white cotton crochet thread. She found the patterns via YouTube videos (rather than reading crochet patterns). 

Day 6 pocket

The snowflake collection on the Advent calendar fabric

The larger crochet snowflakes

The smaller crochet snowflakes

She was very impressed with the snowflakes and their intricacy. Via our video call we showed her the even larger one her sister had made which would need stiffening with starch as it was too floppy and was too big for the pocket, so hadn't been included in her Advent Calendar.

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