... or Daisy, Daisy and a bicycle made for two!
During lunchtime once I'd tidied up my
workshop table, I took some photos of the Robin Hood display.
Nicholas James had joined the display during the morning wearing his outfit which my girl had sewn (with a bit of help from me).
Nicholas James in the Robin Hood display standing just behind the log next to the valiant knight |
The wonderful outfits on the dolls in the Robin Hood display were all unique and special, I could not imagine how they would choose a winner |
Three beautiful medieval ladies gathered under the Greenwood tree |
Some of the face masks which were made during the morning workshops - the black and sequinned mask on the left just below the green mask was made for Kendal by my girl |
The face mask my girl made for Kendal |
Laura was wearing her new face mask while standing on the table alongside the Robin Hood display |
Back in the other room where I had spent most of the morning I took a few more photos of Kendal's Sasha Brood.
Kendal's only todder, Bea, was naturally the doll welcoming everyone to the display |
Bea the toddler and her big brother, a 1960s Gotz boy looked after the Brood sign |
After the delicious lunch we all settled down to the fun of the raffle. We all crowded into the room with the raffle table and Robin Hood display.
Janet explained about the silent auction for the wonderful paper dolls of the Princess Elizabeth, kindly donated by Ann Chandler |
Our raffle tickets laid out on the floor awaiting the start |
Raffle tickets laid out on a table as Janet explained about the raffle |
Janet announced that there was a first prize and a final prize - each of them a special doll |
The first prize was donated by Gayle R and Rosie S (who had made his wonderful clothes).
Theresa's granddaughter drew the first ticket |
And the lucky winner of Mikey the spikey haired boy with his Radio Flyer trolley was Liss |
Just a few tickets later and our lucky number came up. We looked at the heap of prizes on the table and suddenly my girl realised that there was a baby doll in a basket which had not yet been claimed by another winner. She could not believe her luck!
My girl and baby Daisy (who had been donated to the raffle by Petrana) |
We won a few more prizes including a lovely smocked dress donated by Ginger and the tandem bicycle. It was when we picked up the bicycle that I joked about Daisy and the bicycle made for two. This made my girl decide that Daisy suited her new baby doll. After more than an hour of raffle draws, with people nominating others who hadn't won anything (my girl nominated Iris who had said to us in the morning that she never won raffles), the final prize was reached. Jocelyn, who had won the second last prize, drew the winning ticket.
Jocelyn, who had won the second last prize, drew the winning ticket.
Jonny was thrilled to win the girl with the eyes repainted by Janet |
It was an epic raffle and we were extremely lucky - a big thank you to everyone who donated prizes (I think each of us must have donated at least two) and to Tricia and Janet for ensuring that it was run with such humour.