There was a party going on |
Music was provided by the band with Laura singing the vocals |
Laura was wearing a dramatic red velvet cloak as she sang and danced |
Edmund had joined the band with a guitar though was in danger of being deafened by Trendon Elliott's trumpet! |
The flute, guitars, drums and backing singers were in full swing |
The backing singers Matroshka, Jayne and Harriet were dancing and moving their arms in time as they sang while Matilda and Belle danced on the balcony and Nicholas James played the guitar |
Clemence the bear fancied himself a singer too and held the microphone stand for Laura |
Peter the drummer and Matroshka the singing dancer |
Matilda and Belle were loving the music |
Trendon Elliott was playing the trumpet, Anna the flute and Samantha the guitar |
Reuben, Miranda, Florence and the babies Amy, Mabel and Leo were loving Laura's singing as they danced along to the music |
The music drew two newcomers into the room - they were astonished by the welcome to their new home |
Reuben rushed over to greet them "Melanie, Nina, at last you've come" he yelled in delight to see his new sisters |
"Welcome home" cried Reuben as he hugged his new sister Melanie while Miranda greeted baby Nina |
"Hello Melanie and Nina, we've been looking forward to meeting you" exclaimed Florence and Miranda as baby Amy peeped between their legs to see Nina |
The Sasha and Gregor family gathered round Melanie and Nina to welcome them, there was a lot of excited chatting |
soon they were all partying together as the band started playing again to welcome their new sisters to the family |
Melanie, Reuben and baby Nina (with Nina's basket) |
Melanie and Nina my two new Trendon Sasha dolls arrived at the end of January via
Susanna Lewis's site. They both came with their complete original outfits and boxes, and Nina has her basket. They are both minty, in fact Melanie still has the new vinyl smell and Nina, who was a shop display doll until she went to the same private collection as Melanie also has a faint new vinyl smell and her basket is perfect. Melanie is the 1983 Cora Flower dress and Nina is Little Flower. Reuben, who is a later Caleb is slightly shorter than Melanie (though it may be her hair) - he doesn't seem to mind though as he is delighted to have two new sisters. The elder sister of my
childhood playmate Reuben was called Melanie and another Sunday school playmate I had at the Cathedral was also called Melanie. Nina is named for two Nina's - one was the mum of three neighbouring children whom I knew all my childhood and the other is a current friend.
My daughter was playing music from Queen while we set up and photographed this story, including Bohemian Rhapsody, We are the Champions. Somebody to Love, Another One Bites the Dust, I Want to Break Free and We Will Rock You.
I've had so little time for the dolls in recent weeks so it was fun to carve out some time with my younger daughter today to play dolls again together.
Now that was what I call a welcome and a half! A simply fabulous Welcome Home party, fine music and entertainment what more could anyone want. Two lovely additions to the family DM. Thank you for this wonderful fun filled post. Lovely to see the amazing array of instruments they all have as well.
Looks like they were all having a great time! and a wonderful welcome for the newcomers. How lovely for Reuben to have two new special sisters.
It's lovely when you find a Sasha still with that as new smell, seems so strange that it can have lasted so long!
It's also lovely to name them for friends or family who are close and important to you.
Love the music choice, I can hear it now with Laura belting out We are the champions and the others joining in the singing and waving their arms , looks like a rock concert to me!
What a fun post, the vinyl children are having so much fun dancing and singing their Queen songs! There could not be a better welcome for the newcomers, could there!
I love that new vinyl smell, it always reminds me of Christmas morning when I was a child, they should bottle it ;)
Wow - what a great party! I bet everyone had a fantastic time. I like all the vintage-looking clothing. Rock on!
Please forgive this delay in writing this comment but we here in the North have been having numerous problems with our internets due, it seems to something major that happened up in Scotland a little while ago. I understand that it's still not been completely fixed but at least I have now been able to actually see this superb post!
What a bright and colourful welcoming event for new-comers Melanie and baby Nina this turned out to be! Just love it. Rather like attending a mini outdoor festival/gig whist still enjoying the indoor warmth!
How wonderful that your Sasha collection has been encouraged to have such musical talent just like their owners. What a terrific environment to be bought up in!
(I'm most envious as although I did learn to play the piano in my very early teans and took and passed several Musical Grade examinations, had to give it up after it was realised that I am tone deaf. My daughter played the Glockenspiel, the flute and guitar during her school years but once working full time and then marriage they all got put aside.
What a wonderful time everyone involved must have had. I can almost still hear the music and singing along and seeing the dancing in time to the rhythmic beat.
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