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Monday 1 July 2024

Sasha Festival 2024 Day 3 - Saturday morning special displays

My Studio Doll Trudi was sitting near the Studio Doll display during the Saturday morning.

Trudi relaxing on Saturday morning

Florence and Reuben talk to Jocelyn's Ella about the pram (before Ella's hair was replaited)

There were several special displays on Saturday morning but they were not up for long enough!

As far as I could work out, the displays were a dedication to Rosie Shortell's, Dawn Law's wonderful prams, a Course doll display, a Studio doll display and an display featuring the work of some UK based Sasha seamstresses. 

I somehow didn't manage to capture photos of all the displays, they were only up for a very short period of time and were not announced. I think some of them could have stayed in place during the afternoon because not all the tables were needed for lunch or the afternoon sales tables. 

Tribute to Rosie Shortell

Four dolls with outfits by or organised by Rosie Shortell

Rosie Shortell dolls

Gorgeous Japanese inspired outfit

Cowboy playtime outfit

I recall seeing this doll and outfit at the 2012 festival

Charlotte, the 2013 Raffle doll, who is holding the drawstring bag my daughter made for her

Rosie Shortell the artist

Artist supplies

Easel and artist supplies

Rosie Shortell's painting on the easel

Another miniature painting by Rosie Shortell

Rosie the artist doll

Rosie's display for the 2012 Sasha Doll festival was the Midsummer Night's Dream costumes. It was rather wonderful to see these again 12 years later.

Three characters from Midsummer Night's Dream 

Four characters from Midsummer Night's Dream

The five Midsummer Night's Dream dolls and outfits 

Puck and Oberon

Titania and Moth fairy

Titania and Moth fairy

Cobweb fairy

Dawn had brought her wonderful collection of prams.

The very early Doucet pram with two wheel sizes

Catherine French has provided the following update, via the comments on this post, on that rare pram:

Re the more unusual pram with different sized wheels:

A French Museum, Les Arts Decoratifs, has one in its archives.

The Museum gives an approximate date for this model 1935-40 but this is probably incorrect as we believe that the prams were not put into production until the 1950’s and we have seen a photo of an early 1960's pram with the same hood and apron fabric.

It was probably made as a special item for the Au Nain Bleu toyshop in Paris.

3 of Dawn's prams

4 of Dawn's prams

5 of Dawn's prams

6 of Dawn's prams

5 of Dawn's prams

5 of Dawn's prams

I didn't manage to get much in the way of photos of the other displays, which I regret.

Sasha's UK Couturiers

Sasha's UK Couturiers in the foreground during Frank's talk 

UK Couturier display

UK Couturier display

UK Couturier display

UK Couturier display

UK Couturier display

UK Couturier display

The Studio doll display being dismantled

The Studio doll display being dismantled

Course doll display

Course doll display

It was wonderful to see all these displays, thank you to all those who contributed to them.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Anna

Catherine French said...

Re the more unusual pram with different sized wheels:

A French Museum, Les Arts Decoratifs, has one in its archives.

The Museum gives an approximate date for this model 1935-40 but this is probably incorrect as we believe that the prams were not put into production until the 1950’s and we have seen a photo of an early 1960's pram with the same hood and apron fabric.

It was probably made as a special item for the Au Nain Bleu toyshop in Paris.

Anonymous said...

Such lovely photos and memories. Thanks Anna. Will find a way of putting them in a file as great reference.