My younger daughter (Dmd) was very fortunate on the last day of the 2024 Sasha festival when her ticket was picked so she won the boy plus all his clothes and accessories which Dawn L had pulled together from many donations. The boy and the clothes he was wearing plus another shirt were donated by Florence when she gave him to Dawn at last year's festival to bring back to England for the raffle.
Last weekend we finally found sufficient time to properly examine his extensive collection of clothes, toys and accessories. I ironed some items while my daughter photographed everything, it took some time! She also redressed him from the shorts, shirt and green trainers he had been wearing at the festival.
He is rewigged, originally blond with blue eyes, now wearing a very nice auburn wig which goes well with his eyes. He has taken his time to inform us of his name.
We were stunned by the range of lovely items donated to his collection from many people. We were told there were two items by Catherine French and some items by Dollydoodles in his wardrobe, plus we discovered a Sashapotomus item and a wonderful range of other clothes by talented people who hadn't labelled their work.
There are two items of knitwear which were both made by Catherine French.
Gorgeous cable cardigan with matching mittens, and a beautiful blue fair isle sweater made by Catherine French |
The cable cardigan which has a collar and six buttons, plus the cable mittens |
Close up of the fine cable knitting on the cardigan and mitten |
Back view of the cable cardigan and mittens |
Back view of a mitten and the cable cardigan |
Close up of the cable cardigan |
The blue, black and white fair isle sweater, very fine knitting |
Closer view of the blue fair isle sweater |
Blue fair isle sweater |
Neat row of nearly invisible buttons on the back shoulder of the fair isle sweater |
There are several Dollydoodles items which he will enjoy wearing.
Dollydoodles clothes including 3 t-shirts, one pair of crop leggings, two pairs of shorts and camouflage tracksuit |
Mid blue shorts |
Star Wars t-shirt |
Blue camouflage shorts |
Grey t-shirt |
Navy crop leggings |
England flag butterfly t-shirt |
Camouflage tracksuit |
He has an extensive range of knitwear, several pairs of jeans and trousers including a pair of Sashapotomus jeans, seven pairs of shorts (excluding the Dollydoodles shorts), a tracksuit for hiking and a tracksuit for play, a pair of velvet trousers with matching lined waistcoat, two pairs of dungarees, a long sleeved shirt, the short sleeved shirt he was wearing for the raffle, six pairs of footwear, a Jadzia hooded coat, a hooded jacket, a fleece top, a peaked cap and a straw hat.
Dark green hiking tracksuit and playtime tracksuit |
Summer (whale) and winter pyjamas |
Seven pairs of shorts including the belted shorts he was wearing during the festival |
Velvet trousers and matching lined waistcoat |
Short sleeved shirt (Vicky Chapman) and 1960s style long sleeved shirt (both donated by Florence) |
crop dungarees and long dungarees |
Three pairs of corduroy trousers, blue, spotted and grey |
Beige trousers |
Dark and mid blue denim jeans |
Sashapotomus jeans front view |
Close up front of Sashapotomus jeans |
Close up back of Sashapotomus jeans |
Patterned winter fleece with zip and front pocket |
Hooded jacket |
close up of the hooded jacket |
Jadzia coat |
Jadzia coat label showing the lining |
Peaked cap |
Straw hat |
Front of grey sweater and hat |
Back of grey sweater and hat |
Striped cotton sweater |
Green tank top |
Fair Isle patterned sweater |
Yellow sweater |
Orange tank top |
Blue cable sweater |
Flecked sweater |
Grey cable sweater |
winter cable sweater and matching hat |
Most of his knitwear except the Catherine French items |
He also got an England top, it isn't made for a Gregor, I think it is England merchandise made for display rather than wearing.
The England souvenir shirt |
He has lots of toys and accessories, including a box of delights put together by Patricia Rose, a radio flyer scooter, a skateboard, plus two items by DollMum (me), one of which I donated (the marionette) and the boxed quoits set donated by someone else.
Book, mini computer, hot water bottle, skateboard, clock, toys, harmonica and art materials |
The box set of delightful toys and games donated by Patricia Rose |
Garden Quoits by DollMum and the box set of toys put together by Patricia Rose |
The raffle boy with his scooter and marionette |
The marionette I made and donated for him |
He has a cool rucksack and in the pocket was a miniature fidget spinner.
The very cool rucksack |
His fidget spinner beside the rucksack |
He has finally told us his name is Archie.
Here he is wearing his whale outfit - we think of these as summer pyjamas.
Archie in his whale outfit |
My younger daughter and I would like to thank Dawn and everyone who donated the raffle boy and items for him. Archie's extensive collection of clothes means he has plenty to share with his brothers!